
by nachtschnucke

Heute wollte ich zum ersten Mal ein cooles Handy haben, dass Fotos macht, dann hätte ich im Zeichen von dsf ein schönes Bild von Sarah in der Haifischbar eingestellt. Ein Blick aus ihren knallblauen Augen und der Kellner schmolz dahin. Sir Piros hat gut geschmeckt. Da gehen wir wieder hin. Ohne Foto aber kann ich nur schreiben, man kann allein von Grenadine besoffen sein. Ab Morgen, pardon heute, geht es ans Eingemachte: Ein großer Text wird gegengelesen, außerdem haben die auch eine Dokumentationsabteilung, die alle Fakten nochmal prüft. Ansonsten hab ich keine Promis zu melden. Außer an die drei Jungs vom Mehringdamm, parlez vous francais?, une alptraum champs elysee, auch wenn ihr noch Kücken seid, ihr wart nett!!! Zum Schluss dieses völlig absurden Bloggeintrags (Grenadine!) noch ein Reim: Und durch das Haus tönt nur, das leise Klappern auf die Tastatur. Und auf die Tasten fällt, der Kopf des Dichters - unbestellt. (Hey, hab` ich selbst gemacht, nicht geklaut, könntest wenigstens mal grinsen...)


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H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
bluedio k32
16. 05. 03:59

Weihnachtsmänner prügeln sich
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
mele f10
16. 05. 03:59

H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire C8
16. 05. 03:58

Spaßbremse bei 3300 Toten
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire WF-501A
16. 05. 03:58

H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire WF-502B
16. 05. 03:58

Mann oh Mann was für eine Wahl
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire WF-503B
16. 05. 03:57

Himmel über Berlin
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire WF-504B
16. 05. 03:57

Für alle Singles
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire WF-501B
16. 05. 03:57

Einfach anders
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire C1
16. 05. 03:56

Rolf Aldag und ???
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire CREE R5
16. 05. 03:56

H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
UltraFire L2
16. 05. 03:55

Blauer Dunst
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
Ultrafire Q5
16. 05. 03:55

Pilotensprüche, Butterflüge und weiche Wortlandungen
H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
x888b 2.7-inch
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H I just wanted to comment on your blog and say I really enjoyed reading your blog here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! ... weiter...
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